FL SARC Deploys after Hurricane Ian
SPCA Florida made it through Hurricane Ian fairly unscathed, but others were not as lucky. We have deployed resources from FL SARC - Florida State Animal Response Coalition - and on this page you can follow some of their experiences.
October 12-14, 2022
The team in Arcadia have worked hard with unloading and distributing donations. They among other things received a truck with pet food from Greater Birmingham Humane Society, and a truck with pee pads from Greater Good. If an organization still needs pet food and supplies, get in touch with hurricanereliefflsarc@spcaflorida.org.
October 8-11, 2022
SPCA Florida are gathering donations in Lakeland and forwarding to shelters and the volunteers in Arcadia. There will among other things be a truck filled with pet bed donations to be distributed, and a truck from Greater Good with 40 pallets of dog food.
Donations go out as quickly as they come in, and the community has a huge need for horse and cattle feed. Below, you can see a donation of hay come in to Fox Lea Farm in Venice from Frogmore Ranch in Dade City. This will feed many hungry mouths!
If you have completed a minimum of Level 1 (awareness) class and FEMA ICS 100 and are willing to assist but haven't registered as a volunteer, this is a great time to sign up!
October 7, 2022
This was a busy day for the FL SARC volunteers in Arcadia. They among other things,
Received more than 96 pallets of dog food from Halo and a 14-bin (250 gallons each) delivery of bee syrup for the apiary community.
Received and handled several requests regarding animal shelters. Many need assistance with caring for animals.
Coordinated donations of hay and animal feed and supplies

October 6, 2022
The incident command center in Arcadia received and distributed donations. We are so very grateful for everyone who steps up to help. The team also received volunteer support requests from two organizations, and surveyed the local area. There is still significant flooding along the rivers.

October 5, 2022
Requests for assistance are still streaming in and there are more animals in need than places to house them. If you can open your home temporarily to foster a cat or dog, sign up at www.spcaflorida.org/fostering.
The FL SARC volunteers at the incident command center in Arcadia had quite a day. They among other things located and assisted two truck drivers who got lost and stuck while trying to deliver over 250 hay bales to animals in need. They also helped local residents who needed help finding debris removal and various supplies after damage from fallen trees.
They also coordinated much needed donations of animal food from several sources, and requests for volunteers to assist with shelter work. A huge Thank You to First Coast No More Homeless Pets in Jacksonville, Tasha Hyder and Clay County, Greater Good, and Purina!
October 4, 2022
The FL SARC volunteers deployed to the incident command center in Arcadia are doing a fabulous job. They have, among other things:
Continued to receive donations from Seminole Feed in Ocala. To date, over 110,000 pounds of agricultural feed has been received, and this will truly make a difference for affected animals
Coordinated delivery of animal food and supplies with Clay County Fair and First Coast No More Homeless Pets
Coordinated other requests and deliveries

October 3, 2022
Today was a good day - we could help many.
We emptied our warehouse of food and drove it to Manatee County Animal Control, whose public pantry was empty.
At the urging of HSUS, we picked up nine dogs who were displaced due to the Myakka river flooding.
Our friends at the Humane Society of Vero Beach and Indian River worked hard into the evening hours to hook us up with friends at Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League in West Palm Beach. They agreed to find drivers to pick up and transport greatly needed food and supplies from a Wilton Manor warehouse, stocked by Pet Project for Pets, to a shelter in Volusia county that has a tremendous need.
We are anticipating the arrival of food from Greater Good Charities to be distributed by our volunteers, driving SPCA Florida vans to shelters in areas of greatest need on the west coast.
Our two FL SARC trained volunteers remain in the incident command center in Myakka, helping troubleshoot incoming requests for help.
Tuesday will be another busy day, and we are grateful for a dedicated staff and committed volunteers.
October 2, 2022
Two members of FL SARC were on the road all day, picking up and delivering supplies, and just as they were 15 minutes from their final destination - a command center in Arcadia - they hit flood waters and had to reroute 2.5 hours. The normal drive-time for their mission would have been 7.5 hours, but it took 13. They picked up feed in Ocala for 26 horses, and a generator and supplies for a shelter that does not have power.
We are receiving supplies from Greater Good, Halo, and Purina and the first transport out will be on Monday October 3, to feed animals in Myakka.
Dogs are coming in to SPCA Florida from shelters in the hardest hit areas. However, holding space is limited. If you're in Polk County and willing and able to foster, please sign up at www.spcaflorida.org/fostering
Other ways to help:
We need newspaper. Please drop off at 5850 Brannen Rd S in Lakeland.
If you have completed a minimum of Level 1 (awareness) class and FEMA ICS 100, and are willing to assist but haven't registered as a volunteer, this is a great time to sign up: https://flsarc.org/volunteers
Monetary donations are always welcome and every dollar counts. If you have some to spare, we're collecting funds at: www.spcaflorida.org/ian

When you're almost there after a long day, and the road has flooded.
Picking up a generator, supplies, and food for 26 horses.