Pet Food Assistance Programs - we are here to help!
SPCA Florida has offered food for the pets of qualified residents since July 2013. Ani-Meals provides food to elderly and homebound families and partners with Meals on Wheels of Polk County, Mid-Florida Community Services, and VISTE. The Food Assistance Program (FAP) provides pet food to families who face financial challenges.
Food is distributed on the last Sunday of each month, from 10 AM to noon, with drive-up service. A valid FL Driver's License is required at pickup. This is the only time that you will be able to pick up food, so please plan accordingly. Emergency food may be supplied if you absolutely cannot pick it up on the scheduled dates. If you would like someone else to pick up food for you, please call at least one week ahead of the scheduled FAP pickup date, and the person picking up for you must present a valid driver's license. New clients will not be accepted on Food Assistance Distribution Days.
Please call to schedule an appointment to sign up prior to pick-up days!
Call us at 863-646-7722 Ext. 4612 or email for more information.
Basic Requirements to Receive Food Assistance:
You will need proof of public assistance to qualify, verified with your valid award letter for one or more of the following items:
State or federally funded welfare program
Food Stamps
Social Security
SSI Disability
Disabled Veteran
Photo Identification
After approval, you will be eligible for 12 visits. When you have used all 12 visits, you will need to make an appointment to re-qualify.
Distribution is based on a first-come, first-serve basis.
SPCA Florida cannot guarantee the following:
Same food every month
Supply of food every month
The food SPCA Florida receives for this program is donated. Bags may have been opened and resealed or expired. We do not accept special brand requests. We always have the right to refuse service. Please check the food prior to giving it to your pets. With the amount we give away, it is impossible for us to check every bag. If the food you receive is not good, please call and we will do our best to get you replacement food.
Food Assistance Surrounding Polk County:
Humane Society of Tampa Bay
904.894.0139 OR
SPCA Tampa Bay Food Assistance
727.586.3591 X 121
SPCA of Tampa Bay, SPCA Tampa Bay at Pasadena Community Church and the Paul Balle Memorial Pet Food Bank run by SPCA Tampa Bay Bay Hope Village
Animal Control
Humane Society of Pinellas
Hank's Bark Box
Friends of Strays at St. Pete Free Clinic
Pet Alliance Orlando
407.351.7722 OR
Pets of the Homeless

Our Commitment to You
We are here to support you and your pets. Our goal is to provide supplemental resources to help you maintain consistent, quality care for your personal pets. All pets on the program MUST be spayed or neutered. If they are not, it is your responsibility to provide documentation that they have been altered within 3 months after the sign-up date to stay on the program.
Quick facts about the food bank:
SPCA Florida's food bank started in 2013.
Ani-Meals provides food assistance with delivery to elderly and homebound families in Polk County.
The Food Assistance Program (FAP) provides pet food to families who face financial challenges.
The food bank relies on donations from individual donors and organizations. We always welcome food donations.
There has been a dramatic increase in the number of animals served during the past two years:
2019 - 5,393 pets served
Total of 85,201 pounds of food​
2020 - 7,844 pets served
Total of 103,981 pounds of food​
2021 - 14,270 pets served
Total of 136,666 pounds of food​​
2022 - 14,892 pets served
Total of 132,454 pounds of food