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Mom's Last Litter

Mom’s Last Litter is a program, designed to help pet owners safely and responsibly respond to accidental pregnancies and prevent future pregnancies.

Owners agree to foster the entire litter of puppies or kittens until each reaches the age and size required for spay/neuter surgery. At this time, the entire litter and the mother (as well as the father, if available) are brought to the Admissions Department. The mom and dad animals receive FREE spay/neuter surgeries and Rabies vaccines (if needed). After surgery, the parent animals return to the owner, and the entire litter remains at SPCA Florida to be adopted into loving homes.

Additional vaccinations and microchipping services can be purchased at the time of surgery for the mom/dad.


  • All animals entering Mom’s Last Litter program must be owned pets to ensure we are within our legal right to sign the litter up for the program.

  • Kittens and puppies must be a minimum of 6 weeks old to enter the program.

  • Participants agree to pay a $75 surrender fee for the litter. 

  • Participants must agree to house the litter safely and responsibly until they meet age, size, and health requirements for spay/neuter and adoption. This is approximately 8-10 weeks of age.

  • Participants understand they will be required to come in for two separate appointments for us to ensure the puppies/kittens are protected against diseases prior to entering the shelter. 

  • Participants must agree to bring the mother (and father, if available) at the same time as the litter for free spay or neuter surgeries.

  • Participants understand that once the animals are entered into the program, SPCA Florida becomes the legal owner. As such, no animal can be kept or given away. The whole litter must be returned for spay/neuter surgeries and to be placed for adoption.

    • Owners, or their selected friends and family, will have the first right to adopt but must follow the adoption process and pay the adoption fee.



Why is this important?

A single female cat can birth 180 kittens in her lifetime. Typically pets born from accidental pregnancies are left to reproduce and will multiply exponentially.

Accidental pregnancies often produce animals who enter the shelter system at some point in their lives. These animals create even more of a burden on an already taxed shelter system and lead to even more euthanasia of healthy and adoptable animals.

By participating in our Mom’s Last Litter program and preventing your pet from experiencing additional pregnancies, you are saving lives.

To participate, click the button below and be sure to add "Moms Last Litter" in the notes section of the Surrender Application.

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